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Best Movie Sex Scenes

Kate Winslet 's steamy handprint sliding down the window, Julia Roberts on top of a piano, Ryan Gosling shirtless and very, very wet. Whether they're realistic or totally over-the-top, a good movie sex scene is something that no one can deny they love, especially the ridiculously romantic ones with rising music and tension-filled backstories. We've rounded up some of the sexiest encounters in movie history; prepare to swoon.

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1. Dirty Dancing

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What is sexier than being half naked and dancing all up on each other? Nothing. Nothing is sexier than that — which is why this Dirty Dancing scene is one of the steamiest ever. They are definitely having the time of their lives.

2. Risky Business

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Sex on a train? Seems problematic (and kind of bumpy), but Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay made it look like a piece of very delicious cake in Risky Business .